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Acaudinum (Protacaudinum) beheni Remaudière & Davatchi, 1959


Host plant relations: Centaurea spp.  (Holman, 2009; Favret 2023b).


Distribution: Kars (Tuatay & Remaudière 1964).

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) caraganae Cholodkovsky, 1908


Host plant relations: Caragana spp. and  Colutea spp. (Favret 2023b).


Distribution: Ankara (DüzgüneÅŸ et al., 1982).

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) cyparissiae (Koch, 1855)


Host plant relations: Euphorbia spp. (Favret 2023b).


Distribution: Bitlis, KahramanmaraÅŸ and Kayseri (Aslan & Uygun 2005; Özdemir 2020).

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) daphnidis Ilharco, 1996


Host plant relations: Daphne spp. (Favret 2023b).


Distribution: Burdur (Remaudière et al., 2006).

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) euphorbiae Börner, 1940


Host plant relations: Euphorbia spp. (Holman, 2009; Favret 2023b).


Distribution: Ankara, KırÅŸehir and Van (Tuatay & Remaudière, 1964; Tuatay et al., 1972; Özdemir et al., 2006).

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) gossypii Mordvilko, 1914


Host plant relations: Dolochos spp., Hibiscus esculentus, Phaseolus, Robinia pseudoacacia, Sophora japonica Vigna (Holman 2009; Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Malva spp., Rosa spp. and Trifolium spp.


Distribution: Adana, Afyonkarahisar, Aydın, Çanakkale, Diyarbakır, Ä°zmir, NiÄŸde, UÅŸak and Siirt (Görür 2014; Kök et al. 2016; Kök & Özdemir 2021).

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) ilka Mordvilko, 1914


Host plant relations: Adenophora spp., Campanula spp., Bidens spp., Carthamus spp., Cichorium spp., Codonopsis spp., Erysimum spp., Isatis spp., Glaucium spp., Lactuca spp., Lampsana spp., Linum spp., Picris spp., Papaver spp. and Sonchus spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Lactuca spp. 


Distribution: Ankara, Denizli, KahramanmaraÅŸ, UÅŸak and Van (Aslan & Uygun 2005; IslamoÄŸlu & Tarla 2018; Kök & Özdemir 2021).

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) kondoi Shinji, 1938










Host plant relations: Astragalus spp.Dorycnium spp., Lens spp., Lotus spp.  Medicago spp., Melilotus spp., Pisum spp.,  Trifolium spp. and Vicia spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Lotus spp. 


Distribution: Ä°stanbul and Kayseri (Akyıldırım et al. 2011; Özdemir 2020).

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) lactucae (Passerini, 1860)


Host plant relations: Lactuca spp. (Favret 2023b).


Distribution: Adana, Bitlis, Ankara, Balıkesir, Çanakkale, Elazığ, MuÅŸ, NiÄŸde and Van (Kök & Özdemir 2021).

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) loti (Theobald, 1913)


Host plant relations:  Anthyllis vulneraria, Dorycnium spp.,  Hippocrepis comosaLotus spp., Onobrychis sativa (= viciifolia) (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Vicia spp.


Distribution: Bitlis and Bolu  (Kök & Özdemir 2021). 

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) malvae (Mosley, 1841)


Host plant relations: Alcea spp., Erodium spp., Geranium spp., Malva spp. and Pelargonium spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Geranium spp. 


Distribution: Bitlis, Çanakkale, Rize, Samsun and Van (ÇanakçıoÄŸlu 1975; Görür et al. 2009b; Akyürek 2013; Kök & Özdemir 2021). 

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) papaverisuctum

(Zhang, Chen, Zhong & Li, 1999)


Host plant relations: Papaver sominiferum  (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Papaver rhoeas


Distribution: Malatya 

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) pisum (Harris, 1776)


Host plant relations:  Albizia julibrissin, Leguminosae/Fabaceae members, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Medicago spp., Reseda spp., Trifolium spp.,  Robinia pseudoacacia, Sesbania grandiflora and Vicia spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Capsella bursa-pastoris  and Vicia spp.

Distribution: Common 

Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) scariolae Nevsky, 1929


Host plant relations: Lactuca spp. (Favret 2023b).


Distribution: Ankara, Bitlis, Elazığ and MuÅŸ (Kök & Özdemir 2021).

Acyrthosiphon (Xanthomyzus) lambersi Leclant & Remaudière, 1974










Host plant relations: Glaucium spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Glaucium leiocarpum


Distribution: NiÄŸde (Remaudière et al. 2006), Adıyaman and Malatya 

Allocotaphis quaestionis (Börner, 1942)


Host plant relations: Malus spp. and Senecio doronicum (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Malus spp.


Distribution: Artvin, NiÄŸde and Samsun (Görür 2002; Görür et al. 2009; Akyürek et al. 2012).

Ammiaphis sii (Koch, 1855)


Host plant relations: Falcaria vulgaris (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Falcaria vulgaris (BaÅŸer and Tozlu 2020).


Distribution: Ankara and Erzurum (Özdemir et al. 2005; BaÅŸer and Tozlu 2020).

Amphorophora (Amphorophora) rubi (Kaltenbach, 1843)


Host plant relations: Rubus spp. (Favret 2023b). 


Distribution: Ankara, Bitlis, Erzurum, KahramanmaraÅŸ and Kayseri (Kök and Özdemir 2021).

Anuraphis cachryos Barbagallo & Stroyan, 1982









Host plant relations: Cachrys spp., Echinophora tenuifolia and Ferula communis (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Echinophora spp. 


Distribution: Ankara (Özdemir et al. 2005), Afyonkarahisar and Malatya.

Anuraphis farfarae (Koch, 1854)


Host plant relations: Hieracium spp., Petasites spp., Pyrus communis and Tussilago spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on roots of Tsulago farfara


Distribution: Ankara and Erzurum (Alaserhat 2015; Kök and Özdemir 2021), Malatya.

Anuraphis subterranea (Walker, 1852)


Host plant relations: Heracleum spp. and Pastinaca spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded Echinophora spp.


Distribution: Ankara, Burdur and Erzurum (Özdemir et al. 2006; NarmanlıoÄŸlu & Güçlü 2008; Kök & Özdemir 2021), Adıyaman.

Aphidura picta Hille Ris Lambers, 1956


Host plant relations: Silene spp. and Dianthus spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Echinophora spp.


Distribution: Ankara and Samsun (Tuatay & Remaudière 1964; Akyürek 2013), Adıyaman.

Aphis (Aphis) acanthoidis (Börner, 1940)


Host plant relations: Carduus spp., Carthamus (= Carduncellus) plumosus, Cousinia sp., Dianthus spp. and Jurinea sp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Cirsium arvense


Distribution: Trabzon (Görür et al. 2011)

Aphis (Aphis) acetosae Linnaeus, 1767


Host plant relations: Rumex spp. (Favret 2023b). 


Distribution:  KahramanmaraÅŸ (Aslan & Uygun 2005).

Aphis (Aphis) affinis Del Guercio, 1911


Host plant relations: Mentha spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Mentha spp. 


Distribution:  Ankara, Adana, Bartın, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Ä°zmir, KahramanmaraÅŸ, Mersin, NiÄŸde (Toros et al. 2002; Ölmez Bayhan et al. 2003; Aslan & Uygun 2005; Toper Kaygın et al. 2009; Akyürek 2013; Kök & Özdemir 2021).

Aphis (Aphis) althaeae (Nevsky, 1929)


Host plant relations: Alcea spp., Althaea spp., Malva spp.  and Convolvulus spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Alcea spp. 


Distribution:  Afyonkarahisar, Ankara, Malatya and Kütahya (Özdemir and Toros 1997; Görür 2014).

Aphis (Aphis) arbuti Ferrari, 1872


Host plant relations: Arbutus unedo and Erica arborea (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Arbutus sp. 


Distribution:  Rize and Çanakkale (Görür et al. 2011; Kök & Kasap 2019).

Aphis (Aphis) armata Hausmann, 1802


Host plant relations: Digitalis spp. (Favret 2023b).  


Distribution:  Bolu (ÇanakçıoÄŸlu 1966).

Aphis (Aphis) asclepiadis Fitch, 1851


Host plant relations: Cornus spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Carduus sp., Cirsium sp. and Philadelphus coronarius


Distribution:  Artvin, Erzurum, Samsun, Trabzon, Yalova (Görür et al. 2009; Akyürek et al. 2010; KuloÄŸlu & Özder 2017; BaÅŸer & Tozlu 2020), Adıyaman and Malatya. 

Aphis (Aphis) astragalicola

Holman & Szelegiewicz, 1971


Host plant relations: Aster sp. (Blackman & Eastop 2021). In Turkey recorded on Astragalus sp.


Distribution:  Afyonkarahisar (Åženol et al. 2015). 

Aphis (Aphis) ballotae Passerini, 1860


Host plant relations: Ballota spp., Dracocephalum spp., Leonurus spp. and Marrubium spp. (Favret 2023b).

Distribution:  Bitlis and Van (Kök & Özdemir 2021). 

Aphis (Aphis) brotericola Mier Durante, 1978


Host plant relations: Euphorbia spp. (Favret 2023b).

Distribution:  Afyonkarahisar, Ankara and Samsun (Özdemir et al. 2005; Akyürek 2013; Görür 2014). 

Aphis (Aphis) brunellae Schouteden, 1903


Host plant relations: Prunella spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Prunella orientalis

Distribution:  Rize and Samsun (Görür et al. 2011; Akyürek 2013). 

Aphis (Aphis) callunae Theobald, 1915


Host plant relations: Calluna vulgaris (Blackman & Eastop 2021).

Distribution:  Diyarbakır and Gaziantep (Kök & Özdemir 2021). 

Aphis (Aphis) carduicola Stekolshchikov, 2005


Host plant relations: Carduus spp. (Favret 2023b).

Distribution:  UÅŸak (Åženol et al. 2015). 

Aphis (Aphis) catalpae Mamontova, 1953


Host plant relations: Catalpa spp. (Favret 2023b).

Distribution:  Adana, Çanakkale, Edirne, Kütahya and UÅŸak (ÇobanoÄŸlu 2000; Görür 2014; Çalışkan 2015; Kök & Kasap 2019). 

Aphis (Aphis) cephalariae Barjadze, 2011


Host plant relations: Cephalaria gigantea (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Dipsacus sp. (Özdemir & Barjadze, 2015). 

Distribution:  Ardahan and Erzurum (Özdemir & Barjadze, 2015). 

Aphis (Aphis) chloris Koch, 1854


Host plant relations: Hypericum spp. (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Ankara, Diyarbakır, Samsun and Zonguldak (ÇanakçıoÄŸlu 1975; Ölmez Bayhan et al. 2003; Özdemir et al. 2006; Akyürek 2013) 

Aphis (Aphis) cirsiphila Pashtshenko, 1992


Host plant relations: Cirsium spp. (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Adıyaman, Erzurum and Malatya (Görür et al. 2017; BaÅŸer & Tozlu 2020). 

Aphis (Aphis) confusa Walker, 1849


Host plant relations: Dipsacus spp., Knautia spp., Scabiosa spp. and Succisa pratensis (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Bitlis (Remaudière et al. 2006). 

Aphis (Aphis) confusa Walker, 1849


Host plant relations: Dipsacus spp., Knautia spp., Scabiosa spp. and Succisa pratensis (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Bitlis (Remaudière et al. 2006). 

Aphis (Aphis) craccae Linnaeus, 1758


Host plant relations: Vicia spp. (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Adana, Izmir, Samsun and Trabzon (Görür et al. 2009; Akyürek 2013). 

Aphis (Aphis) craccivora Koch, 1854


Host plant relations: Leguminosae/Fabaceae (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Common 

Aphis (Aphis) cytisorum Hartig, 1841


Host plant relations: Calicotome spp., Cytisus spp., Laburnum spp.,  Spartium spp. and Sophora spp.,  (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Laburnum vulgare

Distribution: Kastamonu, KahramanmaraÅŸ, Samsun and Trabzon (Aslan & Uygun 2005; Görür et al. 2011a; Akyürek 2013)

Aphis (Aphis) eringiiglomerata Bozhko, 1963









Host plant relations: Eryngium spp.,  (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Afyonkarahisar and Kütahya (Åženol et al. 2015).

Aphis (Aphis) esulae (Börner, 1940)


Host plant relations: Euphorbia spp.  (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Samsun (Akyürek et al. 2019).

Aphis (Aphis) euphorbiae Kaltenbach, 1843


Host plant relations: Euphorbia spp.  (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Ankara, Elazığ, KahramanmaraÅŸ, Konya, NiÄŸde (Akyürek et al. 2019; Kök & Özdemir 2021) and Malatya. 

Aphis (Aphis) fabae Scopoli, 1763









Host plant relations:

Primary hosts: Euonymus europaeus, Philadelphus coronarius and Viburnum opulus (Favret 2023b).

Secondary hosts: Some trees and many crops (Favret 2023b).


Distribution: Common

Aphis (Aphis) farinosa Gmelin, 1790


Host plant relations: Salix spp.  (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Ankara, Artvin, Bartın, Erzurum, Giresun, GümüÅŸhane, Izmir, Kastamonu, Rize, Samsun, Trabzon and Van (Kök & Özdemir 2021).

Aphis (Aphis) forbesi Weed, 1889


Host plant relations: Fragaria spp.  (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Bursa, Ä°zmir and Mersin (Kök & Özdemir 2021).

Aphis (Aphis) frangulae Kaltenbach, 1845


Host plant relations: Rhamnus spp.  (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Frangula alnus

Distribution: Adana, Artvin, Çanakkale, Diyarbakır, KahramanmaraÅŸ, Kırklareli and NiÄŸde (Görür, 2004b; Aslan & Uygun 2005; Görür et al. 2009; Kök & Özdemir 2021).

Aphis (Aphis) galiiscabri Schrank, 1801


Host plant relations: Asperula spp., Galium spp. and Rubia spp. (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Ankara, Diyarbakır and Åžanlıurfa (Özdemir et al. 2005; Bayram et al. 2018).

Aphis (Aphis) genistae Scopoli, 1763


Host plant relations: Genista spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Spartium junceum and Genista sp.

Distribution: Trabzonspor and Samsun (Görür et al. 2011; Akyürek 2013).

Aphis (Aphis) gerardianae Mordvilko, 1929


Host plant relations: Agalinis spp.  and Aureolaria spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on  Euphorbia sp. (Akyürek et al. 2011).

Distribution: Samsun (Akyürek et al. 2011).

Aphis (Aphis) glareosae Bozhko, 1959









Host plant relations: Euphorbia glareosa and Euphorbia pannonica (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Afyonkarahisar, Kütahya and UÅŸak  (Åženol et al. 2015).

Aphis (Aphis) gossypii Glover, 1877


Host plant relations: Feeding on a wide variety of host plant (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Common

Aphis (Aphis) hederae Kaltenbach, 1843


Host plant relations: Aralia spp., Cuscuta​ spp., Hedera helix and  Schefflera spp.  (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Ankara, Antalya, Artvin, Çanakkale, Istanbul, Konya, Kütahya, Mersin, NiÄŸde, Rize, Samsun, Trabzon, UÅŸak (Güleç 2011; Akyürek et al. 2012; Kök & Özdemir 2021).

Aphis (Aphis) hillerislambersi

Nieto Nafría and Mier Durante, 1976







Host plant relations: Euphorbia spp. (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Afyonkarahisar, Artvin, Samsun and UÅŸak (Görür et al. 2009; Akyürek 2013; Görür 2014).

Aphis (Aphis) hispanica Hille Ris Lambers, 1959


Host plant relations: Euphorbia spp. (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Bitlis and Elazığ (Tuatay & Remaudière 1964).

Aphis (Aphis) ilicis Kaltenbach, 1843


Host plant relations: Ilex aquifolium (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Ankara and Ä°stanbul (Tuatay & Remaudière 1964).

Aphis (Aphis) illinoisensis Shimer, 1866


Host plant relations: Ampelocissus spp., Cissus spp., Parthenocissus spp., Vitis spp. (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Adana, Afyonkarahisar,  Hatay, Isparta, Izmir, Kilis, Kütahya, Mersin, NiÄŸde (Barjadze et al. 2011a; Yanpar, 2013; Görür 2014; Kök & Özdemir 2021), Adıyaman and Malatya.

Aphis (Aphis) impatientis Thomas, 1878


Host plant relations:

Primary hosts: Cornus spp. (Favret 2023b).

Secondary hosts: Impatiens spp., Erechtites hieracifolius, and Lactuca floridana (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Impatiens noli-tangere (Görür 2009).

Distribution: Artvin and Trabzon (Görür 2009).

Aphis (Aphis) kachkoulii Remaudière, 1989


Host plant relations: Ficus carica and F. johannis (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Trabzon (Görür et al. 2011).

Aphis (Aphis) lambersi (Börner, 1940)


Host plant relations: Daucus carota, Pimpinella saxifraga, and Conopodium majus (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Daucus carota (Akyürek et al. 2012).

Distribution: Adana and Samsun (Toros et al. 2002; Akyürek et al. 2012).

Aphis (Aphis) lamiorum (Börner, 1950)


Host plant relations: Lamium spp. (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Ankara and Erzurum (Tuatay 1993).

Aphis (Aphis) longituba

Hille Ris Lambers, 1966


Host plant relations: Clematis spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Clematis vitalba 

Distribution: Trabzon (Görür et al. 2011).

Aphis (Aphis) loti Kaltenbach, 1862


Host plant relations: Lotus spp., Dorycnium spp.  and Anthyllis vulneraria  (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Dorycnium graecum (Akyürek et al. 2011).

Distribution: Samsun (Akyürek et al. 2011).

Aphis (Aphis) maculatae Oestlund, 1887


Host plant relations: Cornus stolonifera and Populus spp.  (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Populus sp(Tepecik 2011).

Distribution: Karabük (Tepecik 2011).

Aphis (Aphis) mamonthovae Davletschina, 1964


Host plant relations: Verbana spp.  (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Elazığ (Kök & Özdemir 2021).

Aphis (Aphis) matricariae Barjadze & Özdemir, 2014


Host plant relations: Matricaria sp.  (Barjadze et al. 2014). 

Distribution: Çanakkale (Barjadze et al. 2014).

Aphis (Aphis) molluginis (Börner, 1950)







Host plant relations: Galium spp.  (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Galium aparine (Görür et al., 2011; Görür, 2014). 

Distribution: Afyonkarahisar and Trabzon (Görür et al. 2011; Görür 2014).

Aphis (Aphis) nasturtii Kaltenbach, 1843


Host plant relations: Drosera rotundifolia, Nasturtium officinale, Rumex spp., Solanum tuberosum,   and  Veronica beccabunga  (Favret 2023b).

Distribution: Common

Aphis (Aphis) nerii Boyer de Fonscolombe, 1841









Host plant relations: Nerium oleander  (Favret 2023b).

Distribution: Common

Aphis (Aphis) nonveilleri Petrović-Obradović & Remaudière, 2002


Host plant relations: Asperula cynanchica and Galium spp.  (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Cruciata taurica (Åženol et al. 2017)

Distribution: Malatya (Åženol et al. 2017)  

Aphis (Aphis) odinae (van der Goot, 1917)


Host plant relations: Anacardium spp., Aralia spp., Citrus spp., Coffea spp., Kalopanax spp., Mangifera spp., Mussaenda spp., Pittosporum spp., Polyscias spp., Rhus spp., Rhododendron spp., Viburnum spp. (Blackman & Eastop, 2021). In Turkey recorded on Citrus sp. (Akyürek et al. 2019).

Distribution: Samsun (Akyürek et al. 2019). 

Aphis (Aphis) pashtshenkoae Remaudière, 1997


Host plant relations: Lysimachia davurica (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Lysimachia sp. (Akyürek et al. 2011).

Distribution: Samsun (Akyürek et al. 2011). 

Aphis (Aphis) plantaginis Goeze, 1778


Host plant relations: Plantago spp. (Favret 2023b).

Distribution: Diyarbakır (Kök & Özdemir 2021). 

Aphis (Aphis) polygonata (Nevsky, 1929)


Host plant relations: Persicaria maculosa and Polygonum spp. (Favret 2023b).

Distribution: Ankara, Hatay, Van (Toros et al. 2002; Kök & Özdemir 2021). 

Aphis (Aphis) pomi De Geer, 1773


Host plant relations: Chaenomeles spp., Cydonia spp., Malus spp. and Pyracantha spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Cotoneaster nummulariaCydonia oblongaEriobotrya japonicaMalus sp. and Photinia fraseri 

Distribution: Common

Aphis (Aphis) proffti (Börner, 1942)


Host plant relations: Agrimonia spp. (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Agrimonia sp. (Akyürek et al., 2011)

Distribution: Samsun (Akyürek et al. 2011).

Aphis (Aphis) pseudocomosa Stroyan, 1972


Host plant relations: Lathyrus pratensis, L. tuberosus and Onobrychis viciifolia (Favret 2023b). In Turkey recorded on Lathyrus pratensis and L.vernus (Görür et al. 2011)

Distribution: Trabzon (Görür et al. 2011).

Aphis (Aphis) punicae Passerini, 1863









Host plant relations: Bignonia sp., Campsis radicansDuranta plumieri, Lantana camaraPunica granatum and Plumbago capensis (Favret 2023b). 

Distribution: Common

Aphis (Aphis) rubicola Oestlund, 1887


Host plant relations: Rubus spp. (Favret 2023b).  

Distribution: Samsun (Akyürek et al. 2019).

Aphis (Aphis) ruborum (Börner & Schilder, 1931)


Host plant relations: Rubus spp. (Favret 2023b).  

Distribution: Common

Aphis (Aphis) rumicis Linnaeus, 1758

Host plant relations: Lampranthus sp. (Kök & Kasap 2016); Rheum spp., Rumex spp. (Favret 2023b; Bayındır Erol et al. 2018).  

Distribution: Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Balıkesir, Bolu, Çanakkale, Isparta, Ä°stanbul, Ä°zmir, Mersin, NiÄŸde (Bayındır Erol et al. 2018; Kök & Kasap 2016; Kök & Özdemir 2022).

Aphis (Aphis) salsolae (Börner, 1940)

Host plant relations: Kochia spp., Salicaria spp., Salsola spp. (Tuatay & Remaudière 1964; Favret 2023b).  

Distribution: Ankara,  Bitlis (Kök & Özdemir 2022).

Aphis (Aphis) salviae Walker, 1852












Host plant relations: Salvia spp., Lavandula multifida and Teucrium polium (Tuatay & Remaudière 1964; Favret 2023b).  

Distribution: Ankara,  Adana, Afyonkarahisar, Bolu, Diyarbakır, Ezurum, Ä°stanbul, KahramanmaraÅŸ, Kütahya, Malatya, Samsun (Görür 2014; Kök & Özdemir 2022).

Aphis salviae.jpg
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